You can avail discounts through valid discount codes you can find on the website that you’ll need to input upon check-out. For some items, a discount code is not needed as it’s already applied to the price.
Unfortunately, we don’t offer special packaging or gift wrapping at the moment. Once we do, we’ll have it available as an option upon check-out.
Yes, Pierre Cardin offers promotions or discounts occasionally. Be on the lookout for deals by following our social media accounts and checking our website occasionally to keep updated.
Apologies, but for confirmed orders, modification or cancellation is not possible. But, if you need to make amendments to your order, our Customer Service team might help you with that so reach out to them as soon as possible.
Rest assured that Pierre Cardin uses a system with high-security standards on data management so you can shop safely and with confidence.
Pierre Cardin accepts the following payment methods for your online purchase: Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard and American Express Payment Systems: Paypal and Paymentwall (JCB, Hipercard, UnionPay, Samsung Pay, Swed)
Browse our vast collection of ready-to-wear, shoes or accessories in different categories to look for an item you’d want to purchase. You can refine your search by filtering items based on availability, product type, color, size, and style. Once you’re done adding items to your cart, you can browse for more, modify it, or proceed to check-out. You can also add items to your Wishlist if you opt to check-out later. To complete a purchase, if you have a discount code available, input it in the Discount Code field then proceed to check-out. Fill out the necessary details needed from your end as well as your preferred payment method and once the transaction is completed, your order will be confirmed and further details such as a tracking link will be sent to the e-mail you provided.
All items bought from https://pierrecardin.me/ and official stores also listed here in our website are guaranteed authentic and of high quality. You may contact our Customer Service team for specific information on this. Please be aware that Pierre Cardin does not sell merchandise through individuals, third-party websites, or unauthorized retail locations.